Dear Grateful Heart Community,
Looking back at these last few years brings up a lot of growth and change for many of us. Some changes may be external, like a new home, job, or a change in family. Some growth is more internal, like new mindsets, skills, or spiritual practices. Whether positive or negative, the last several years have catalyzed a lot of growth and change for us all.
At Grateful Heart, we have changed our staffing model and many of our staff members this year. We are growing our associate program with a new cohort of Associate Therapists and changing many of the structures that support our current associates to improve their experience.
Despite the discomfort, we know we are growing into something stronger and healthier to continue to support our therapists, their clients, and the greater California community. Will you join us in supporting this growth and contribute to our annual campaign today?
Here are the ways you can help:
Donate directly on our webpage here (Make sure you mark “donation” in the comments box): Donate (
Start a social media fundraiser on Facebook or Instagram. (See this helpful article for Facebook faundraisers and this article for instagram fundraisers if you don’t know how)
Buy a t-shirt through our fundraising campaign here and see if your friends and family want one too!: Giving Grows Gratitude | Bonfire
Use Amazon Smile and pick us as your charity
Tell your friends and family about the great work we do in the community and share these ideas for support with them AND share our FB and IG posts on your feed!
Thanks for being a supporter and helping us! Giving Grows Gratitude
Thank you for your support. A gift to Grateful Heart is an investment in the health and well-being of your community.
Giving Options
Annual Circle of Support FundCommunity Fund for Affordable Psychotherapy
Scholarship Program for Therapists-in-Training
Gift Pledges
Matching Gifts
Memorial & Honorary Donations
Legacy and Planned Giving